Sunrevolution Festival 2023 in Mirapuri, Italy


The Sunrevolution Festival of Work is the annual presentation of the progress, products and services of Mirapuri – the City of Peace and Futureman in Europe, Italy in the domains of innovation, music, art, science & industry for an international audience and customers.

The Sunrevolution Festival of Work offers through stimulating contact with Mirapuri professionals, exhibitions, lectures, presentations, movies and concerts comprehensive possibilities to come in touch with the futuristic outlook, activities and services of Mirapuri, its plans and realisations in the context of a united humanity on the way into a better tomorrow.

You are looking for Holiday Apartments in Mirapuri?

You need professionals for planning and building your low-energy-consumption house or heating system?

You want effective solar-energy?

You are looking for best Wellness, Beauty and Ayurvedic treatment?

You are interested in health-food, homeopathic treatment, Bach flower therapy, Meditation, stimulating music, books and movies?


Friday, 07.07.2023
18:00 - 18:40: Welcome declarations for the combined Mirapuri World Peace and Sunrevolution Festival by Michel Montecrossa ‘GROSSE LIEBE, GROSSER FRIEDEN - BIG LOVE, BIG PEACE’ and Mirakali ‘Freude und Vertrauen - Joy and Tender Care’

19:00-19:30: Presentation by Mirakali of the combined Mirapuri World Peace and Sunrevolution Festival Exhibition of peace-wisdom panels and products from Mirapuri and Miravillage

19:30: Screening of ‘Mirapuri – Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien - EXTENDED VERSION’. Dokumentarfilm über die Grundlagen und die Entstehung von Mirapuri, der Stadt des Friedens und des Zukunftsmenschen in Europa, Italien und von Miravillage, dem ersten Satelliten von Mirapuri in Deutschland.



Omnidiet Hotel
Via Monte Falò 8
28011 Mirapuri-Coiromonte
Provincia di Novara
Tel.: +39-0322-999009

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